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美陸軍十大發明 鈦合金M240L式機槍入選

這裡還有讀者的回應也頗值得一讀 雖然乍看之下2.2公斤並不算多 但如果要扛著上山下海,衝鋒陷陣 2.2公斤可是千鈞之重
By using some lighter (titanium) components, M-240L is 1.7 kg (3.75 pounds) lighter than the previous model -- M-240B, according to The Firearm Blog.  The reduction in weight makes a big difference for solders that carrying M-240B up and down hills for hours on end.  Overall, the resulting improvements for this new model will reduce anyone’s combat load while allowing easier handling and movement of this updated model.

The U.S. Army has ordered 3,053 of the new, lightweight, M-240L 7.62mm machine-guns, for $9,200 each.   As anyone can see, the price for M-240B is not affordable at all.

  • 最爛的醫務士 威望 +1 輕了快一半,懷疑它在全自動時的穩定性。美國人子彈多可以隨便打。但是它的合金倒是很 2011-12-20 17:09

阿達天兵 體能智力 人人搖頭 驗退回家

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