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軍 旅 札 記
後 備 之 友
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My pc crashed for few days. The first time I get on this board after aweek is this sad news. I have not had time to find my translation software so I'd appreciate someone help me.

It is sad to see someone left. Especially someone that is so active in this group amd we all know his stories. I have never met any of you in person but only through this web site. But I guess we all realize life is short and unpredictable. Political believe and personal difference all make no sense after you leave this world. So as we all greive for this loss why don't we find some of those freinds lost in the last couple months. Open our heart and forget about those tiny things and embrace them back. I know there are rules set. With this special occasion I think maybe it's time to think about exception.

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謝謝. 老實說 翻成中文,甚是通順. 符合我當時的原文.


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