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原文由 狼官 於 2009-09-04 16:23 發表
原來不只我有所困惑, Winters的官網上有簡略的文字說明, 不過還是沒找到最想看到的圖解..
原文節錄如下, 紅體字部份大致為戰鬥命令的內容, 包含任務分派與戰術作為要求;

官網: Major Dick Winters

Prior to the main invasion, the 2nd Battalion of the 506th, which consisted of Dog, Easy, and Fox Company, set up headquarters near a secured farmhouse. Intelligence reported that 4 German 105mm artillery cannons were aimed and firing at Utah Beach, where the 4th Infantry Division was making their assault. Easy Company was ordered to eliminate those cannons, which were causing massive damage to the beach area.

90 % of Easy Company was still unaccounted for at that time. Lieutenant Winters had no choice but to do his best given the circumstances. He ordered machine guns to create an enveloping fire on the guns, while another squad, led by Lieutenant Lynn "Buck" Compton, took the left flank and tossed grenades into the trench where the first gun was. Sergeant Lipton and PFC Myron Ranney took the right flank. This base-of-fire technique would become a textbook case for assault on a fixed position, and is still taught at West Point Academy today.

When the Germans at the first gun were eliminated, Easy Company began their main assault on the trenches. They spiked the guns with TNT and completed their objective with the aid of Dog Company, led by Lt. Ronald Speirs, who would later become the last CO of Easy Company.

Lt. Winters received the Distinguished Service Cross for taking out those artillery pieces. However, many believe that he deserved the Congressional Medal of Honor because of the importance of this assault.

[ 本文章最後由 61C 於 2009-09-04 18:25 編輯 ]

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原文由 行政排 於 2009-09-05 16:55 發表
面對如此多的資料跟影片或文獻,對美國地面部隊當然有很多感想,個人覺的其中最重要的是 follow me 的精神。這充份體現在其軍官或士官的鋼盔後方的白槓。
軍官是直槓  士官是橫槓

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原文由 brian2007 於 2009-09-07 02:29 發表
我正在看我最愛的第三集,突然想到一個問題 ...想問一下看過原著小說的軍友們; 那就是在小說裡有沒有交代史畢爾是不是真的在d-day那天槍殺俘虜勒?
這個橋段應該是很多人都有興趣的情節, 網路上可以找出很多類似的討論,
其中我覺得可性度比較高的, 是一位叫做Mark Brando的軍史考證作者,
他在訪問許多當事人後, 對Speirs槍殺戰俘持相當保留態度

以下小弟以英中對照方式摘要翻譯, 文筆不佳請見諒..


第一段: 關於Malarkey巧遇德裔美籍戰俘

The scene where Don Malarkey meets the German PW from Oregon did happen on D-Day although it isn't mentioned in Ambrose's book. The screenwriters learned of it from talking to Don and decided to put it in the film. But it had to be married to a more dramatic event to be allowed in, so it was made part of the scene in which Lt Speirs offers cigarettes to the same group of prisoners before gunning them down. Don actually went to school in Eugene OR and told the writers the PW was from Portland, but somehow, it got changed to where the PW was from Eugene. He was not in a group which was shot after surrendering. Lumping the Malarkey story to the Speirs cigarette incident brought home the impact of the killings by making them more personal to the viewer.

- 關於Malarkey巧遇來自美國同鄉的德軍戰俘那段戲, 原著雖沒有提到, 但的確在D-Day當天發生
- BoB的編劇從Malarkey口中瞭解這段插曲後, 將之改編搬上螢幕
- 為了讓這段插曲更戲劇化, BoB的編劇加入了Speirs賞煙隨後處決的情節
- 實際上, 該名來自美國Portland的德軍戰俘, 當天並沒有被槍決

第二段: 關於Speirs賞煙事件

At any rate, of all the stories attributed to Lt Speirs the cigarette one is the most apocryphal, as I've never found an eyewitness to the event. Malarkey says he heard a Tommygun firing in the rear on the day of the attack on Carentan, shortly before the attack commenced. He was told that the sound was Speirs shooting PWs after giving them cigarettes. Dick Winters told me the story in 1989, but he had heard it happened at Bastogne. Neither of them witnessed the incident, nor did Lt Gibson, who first related the tale to Ambrose. Art DiMarzio, a Dog Company trooper who always accompanied Lt Speirs on patrols also had no knowledge of the cigarette incident, although he did witness other similar incidents. So, it is debatable whether this actually happened. BTW, Winters emphasized to me that he took a very dim view of prisoner shooting, that it was not a common mode of behavior in the 506th and that he felt ashamed of any such incidents which might have happened.

- (本文作者)於與當事人的訪談中, 沒有發現任何人曾目擊Spiers的賞煙處決事件
- Malarkey表示他曾在Carentan戰役進攻發起前不久, 聽到後方傳來輕機槍(Tommygun)掃射的聲音.. 後來他被告知, 那槍聲是Spiers先給戰俘抽菸後再掃射幹掉的槍聲
- Winters也在1989年時告訴本文作者曾聽聞類似的事件, 不過事發地點是在Bastogne.
- 不論Malarkey或是Winters都沒有親眼目睹此一事件, 連最早將這個事件告訴Ambrose(61C按: BoB原著作者)的Gibson也未曾目睹
- Winters抱持高度懷疑態度看待類似的槍決戰俘事件, 因為這不是506團慣常的戰俘處理規範

[ 本文章最後由 61C 於 2009-09-07 16:50 編輯 ]

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原文由 sam 於 2009-09-07 22:17 發表
嗯.. 有另一派看法, 認為Speirs很可能幹過處決戰俘的事情
因為101師曾經接獲"不帶戰俘上路"(take no prisoners)的命令

總之, 這是一個羅生們的爭論..

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原文由 42砲 於 2009-09-06 18:51 發表
101, 82兩師在當時是實驗編裝理念下的產物,
不過這兩師並不全是純傘兵單位, 還有另外搭乘滑翔機的機降單位

傘降或機降, 除了運輸載具不同, 制服不一樣, 當然領的加給也大不同...
基本上, 搭滑翔機的101師單位, 胸前是沒有傘徽的, 只能被當作一般步兵看待的

傘降單位 -
501st PIR(傘降步兵團)
502nd PIR
506th PIR
463rd PFAB(傘降野戰砲兵營)
機降單位 -
327th GIR(滑降步兵團)
401st GIR
321st GFAB(滑降野戰砲兵營)
907th GFAB

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原文由 sam 於 2009-09-09 20:08 發表
有趣有趣.. 剛才古歌一下, 還真的有耶~~

- Albert Blithe 出院後退伍, 1949又再度服役, 加入82空降師參加韓戰
- 後來又陸續退役-再入伍兩次
- 曾經以美軍顧問團(MAAG)身分派往台灣
- 1967年底因病逝於西德

Before his military career ended in 1967, Albert Blithe had achieved the rank of Master Sergeant and had fought in the Korean War with the 82nd Airborne Division, completed 600 parachute jumps, and was given a Military Assistance Advisory Group(MAAG) assignment in Taiwan.


[ 本文章最後由 61C 於 2009-09-09 20:36 編輯 ]

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