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標題: 有沒有打中? 看衛星照片... [列印本頁]

作者: 210師少尉    時間: 2010-12-07 09:06     標題: 有沒有打中? 看衛星照片...


作者: ttt0920    時間: 2010-12-07 09:45








一. 我砲兵部隊.計陣亡一百一十三員.重傷一百七十三員.輕傷四百六十九人..

二. 火砲全毀.計105二門.155三門.155加三門.90高砲一門..半毀:計105榴砲七門.155榴砲二十九門.155加砲九門.八吋榴砲一門.90高砲十門.90裝砲三門..

三. 工事毀損情形: 火砲掩體全毀五座.半毀三十七座.人員掩體全毀十一座.半毀五十座.彈葯掩體全毀四座.半毀二十七座..

八二三金門砲戰砲兵運用之追憶- 鄒凱 ... 2&l=f&fid=5
作者: 呂ㄚ家    時間: 2010-12-07 19:30

原文由 ttt0920 於 2010-12-07 09:45 發表
這是一張從網路取得的照片.地點是大嶝島龍田南路附近.被國軍砲兵砲擊的情形.可以看到密密麻麻的坑洞.都是砲彈落下的痕跡.大嶝都如此.金門肯定更慘!因為落彈量絕對有過之.. ...

p.s 撲..小小膽學長要罰酒喔..因為駐地在前線還給錯分..^^
也謝謝開板學長的大人大量,讓小弟安心一點 謝謝大家啦

[ 本文章最後由 呂ㄚ家 於 2010-12-07 22:04 編輯 ]
作者: 60砲長    時間: 2010-12-07 22:23

二. 火砲全毀.計105二門.155三門.155加三門.90高砲一門..半毀:計105榴砲七門.155榴砲二十九門.155加砲九門.八吋榴砲一門.90高砲十門.90裝砲三門....

作者: 210師少尉    時間: 2010-12-07 22:40






In the past week, additional tactical details have emerged about the shelling of Yeonpyeong Island by North Korean artillery. In addition, a satellite imagery package provided to STRATFOR by DigitalGlobe offers further perspective on North Korean military activity in the buildup to the event.

South Korea has claimed that it detected the movement of at least an entire battalion of 122 mm multiple rocket launchers (MRL) into position prior to the shelling. Under Soviet organization, a BM-21 Grad battalion consists of 18 fire units organized into three batteries of six launchers apiece. Each launch vehicle carries 40 launch tubes divided into four rows of 10. North Korea operates direct copies of the BM-21 as well as another variant, the BM-11, which generally uses the same (but locally manufactured) Russian Ural-375D 6x6 chassis but mounts two sets of 15 tubes side-by-side. Attached satellite imagery shows four different prepared battery firing positions near Kaemori, including at least one that appears to have been targeted by counterbattery fire.

Timeline of the Shelling

This battalion of MRLs, deployed to the area from the North Korean 4th Army Corps, played the primary role in the shelling, not the coastal artillery position already stationed in Kaemori. The barrage of artillery rockets began at 2:34 p.m. local time and lasted for more than 20 minutes. The initial barrage consisted of 150 rounds, followed by 20 more intermittently — meaning that while a full battalion appeared to be in position, a fully armed single battery could have conducted the entire attack. Of these 170 rounds, 80 struck Yeonpyeong Island, though 20 failed to detonate.
Satellite Imagery: Tactical Details of the Korean Artillery Exchange

The initial barrage was reportedly a coordinated time-on-target strike, which would mean that the rounds were fired in such a way as to attempt to achieve simultaneous impact. This tactic, achieved by lofting earlier rounds on less-efficient trajectories, does not necessarily require particularly modern equipment, but it does require well-drilled gun crews, decently maintained equipment and competent fire direction control personnel to calculate the fire mission. It is not clear what the North Koreans were attempting to achieve or how many guns were involved, but time-on-target is a useful tactic to attempt to lessen the time South Korea has to react to the strike — though an alert counterbattery radar would spot the first rounds — and the North had experimented with it in a January live-fire drill from coastal positions near the Northern Limit Line.

Additionally, the rounds appear to have been incendiary or perhaps even thermobaric, with the intention of starting fires. Given the murky nature of North Korea’s order of battle and the rockets’ domestic manufacture, the exact type of round is not known. With a few modern exceptions, artillery rockets are unguided and achieve results through massed fires rather than exceptional accuracy. Here, North Korea had no opportunity to register targets or adjust fire based on input from forward observers; South Korea has subsequently conjectured based on the targets that the North’s maps of military positions on the island may have been dated. The failure of so many rounds to reach the island and a dud rate of roughly a quarter of those that did suggest issues of quality control in manufacture and/or poorly controlled storage, as well as the potential for there to have been issues in the fire direction or on the gunline.

South Korea began to return fire at 2:47 p.m., minutes before the initial North Korean barrage ended. A battery of six K9 155 mm self-propelled howitzers, which was conducting live-fire drills on a Yeonpyeong Island military base, fired some 80 rounds. Two of the six guns were down at the time the North Korean barrage began and were oriented to the south for training, and the initial targets of the active guns reportedly were existing emplacements, not the new positions near Kaemori. It is not clear whether South Korean counterbattery fire was sufficiently timely to be at all effective — it is common practice for both mortars and artillery to displace rapidly after firing when there is a counterbattery threat. The exchange of fire continued from 3:10 p.m. to 3:41 p.m., and South Korean F-15K fighters were scrambled. Two South Korean soldiers and two civilians were ultimately killed in the exchange.
Special Topic Page
作者: 無線報務    時間: 2010-12-07 23:10

作者: 阿三    時間: 2010-12-08 08:05

原文由 60砲長 於 2010-12-07 22:23 發表
二. 火砲全毀.計105二門.155三門.155加三門.90高砲一門..半毀:計105榴砲七門.155榴砲二十九門.155加砲九門.八吋榴砲一門.90高砲十門.90裝砲三門....

我非砲兵,無法清楚知道火砲所謂的半毀是何情況?但國軍戰史有 ...
作者: ttt0920    時間: 2010-12-08 09:51

原文由 60砲長 於 2010/12/07 22:23 發表
二. 火砲全毀.計105二門.155三門.155加三門.90高砲一門..半毀:計105榴砲七門.155榴砲二十九門.155加砲九門.八吋榴砲一門.90高砲十門.90裝砲三門....

我非砲兵,無法清楚知道火砲所謂的半毀是何情況?但國軍戰史有 ...


一. 砲戰中.我砲兵工事被全毀十九座.半毀一百一十四座.然尚能及時遷移或修復.並積極趕製砲戰前未完工之火砲掩體.以利新到之大型火砲工事..

二. 遭到砲擊受損而可修護之火砲.由兵工支援單位積極修護.期受損嚴重者.即迅以抽換補充.以維戰力..

三. 四十七年十月六日至十月十九日.停火期間.我砲兵乘機迅速換裝.反砲戰火力.頗為增強.其換裝之情形如次:

(一). 本部六一二.六一九.和六六八三個105榴砲營之105榴炮36門.於十月八.九.十三日換裝為155榴砲.其行動之迅速可知..

(二). 駐小金門第九師師砲兵兩個連.及駐金南第十師之一個連共十二門105榴砲.換裝為155榴砲..

(三). 四個師砲兵之M3型105榴砲四十八門.及一O七砲兵營第一連之M1型75山砲.均換裝為M2型105榴砲..

四. 反砲兵兵力之增強:

(一). 六O七砲兵營之八吋榴砲X門.分三梯次運抵金門.編組完成.迅速參加砲戰..

(二). 六五四野戰一五五加砲營.於四十八年四月增防金門..

(三). 二四O榴砲X門.次地運抵金門.並迅速完成戰備..

(四). 由美國趕運來台之聲光測連.於四十八年二月十六日運抵金門.並迅速於裝設完成.開始運作..

五. 為維護士氣.砲兵部隊之輪調.仍按計畫實施..

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